Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks
— 5th Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2014
taking place in Berkeley at the Clark Kerr Campus of the University of California,
on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.
For the fifth time, it is our pleasure to bring together pioneer work in the overlap of arts, humanities, network research, data science, and information design. The 2014 symposium will follow our established recipe, leveraging interaction between those areas by means of keynotes, a number of contributions, and a high-profile panel discussion.
In our call, we are looking for a diversity of research contributions revolving around networks in culture, networks in art, networks in the humanities, art about networks, and research in network visualization. Focussing on these five pillars that have crystallized out of our previous meetings, the 2014 symposium again strives to make further impact in the arts, humanities, and natural sciences.
Running parallel to the NetSci2014 conference, the symposium provides a unique opportunity to mingle with leading researchers in complex network science, potentially sparking fruitful collaborations.
9:00 Roger Malina
Opening Remarks
9:10 Maximilian Schich
9:30 Keynote Lada Adamic
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Anamaria Berea
The Network Of the 'Byzantium after Byzantium' Fresco Style in the UNESCO Monasteries of Moldova
11:30 Giorgio Caviglia, Nicole Coleman and Dan Edelstein
Idiographic Network Visualizations: Bringing the Construction and the Manipulation of Network Graphs Up Front
12:00 Claire Kovacs
Mapping Paris: Social and Artistic Networks, 1855-1889
12:30 Jaimie Murdock, Robert Light, Katy Borner and Colin Allen
Using Visualizations to Deconstruct 'The Two Cultures'
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Arram Bae, Doheum Park, Yong-Yeol Ahn and Juyong Park
Network Landscape of Western Classical Music
14:30 Kim Albrecht, Marian Dörk and Boris Müller
Culturegraphy, Visualizing Cultural Network Dynamics
15:00 Dmitry Zinoviev
The Pain of Complexity
15:30 Heidi Boisvert
Echoing Narcissus: Bio-Adaptive Game-Based Networked Performance
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Panel discussion
17:30 End
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